Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sorry My Friend


Tonite I feel like I really miss all friends which I met along my life...
I don't know why..but sometimes really miss u all....
especially my 5 best friends ever...
Well I guess u all know who they are..because I also put their picture on my sidebar..
As I remember, starting semester 7, we all not close together..
I know it is because of me...
I am trying to avoid u all...
I don't want to share what I am facing on that sem..
and I am sincerely accept what you decided to do with me...
Its ok becuase it is me who first start it..

But today, I really miss u all...
Sakinah...since sem 1, we are close...all moments since then I really miss it...
How I bullied you on your birthday...
Eating together...
All activities we do it together...
Honestly, u are the one who really try hard to understand me... 
when nobody want or afraid to talk to me when I really dissapointed on sem 3...
u are the one who really brave to talk to me...
and I realize u are the one who actually want to always help me...
yet I always ignore it...even I don't contact u..sorry..
Sorry for do that to u...n sorry because i'm not a good friend to you...
I really appreciate you...
I really grateful because Allah pertemukan kite n takdirkan kita menjadi kawan...
Right now, whatever you do....
I really wish that u do ur best...
And I hope you are strong to face anything..
Cuma secebis doa agar kamu sentiasa gembira dan dirahmati Allah yang mampu orang bagi untuk kamu sekarang....All the best...

Amirah...thanks also for become my friends all this time...
For always become my ear everytimes I have problem....
Even kadang2 mesti bosan dengar cerita aku...
But still...u will hear to it anyways...and nasihatkan aku...
Thanks a lot...
Terlalu banyak memory yang kite lalu bersama...
U know me well...and you do well..
Sorry for who I am...I'm not a good friend to you...
But I really wish to be one...
And I always pray all the best in whatever you do....may Allah blessing you...

Fathin..Thanks for become my friends...I don't really remember how we become so close before..
but I really thankful because u willing to be my friend...
sharing the story together...share problem and so on..
Thanks a lot...
Maaf disaat kamu perlukan pertolongan, orang xde untuk tolong kamu...
Maaf sebab xtolong kamu..
I'm really not a good friend to you...sorry
But, the only things I always can do for u is to prays all the best to ur business n life...
Semoga Allah memberkati kamu juga...

Fasihah...even we are not very close together..but still I'm grateful to u for becoming my friend..
and really thankful because tell the truth before...
Walaupun tidak begitu rapat selalu buat aktiviti bersma sebelum ni...
and maaf sebab menyusahkan kamu sebelum ni...
Tidak mampu untuk membalas segala budi kamu...
cuma doa dan harapan supaya segalanya lancar dalam kehidupan yang mampu untukku lakukan..
semoga Allah berkati kehidupan kamu juga...

Farhana....walaupun sebenarnye kite mula rapat sejak akhir2 sem..namun u are one of them who always help hana, saya betul2 mintak maaf atas ape yang berlaku...seandainya awk tidak cuba mendesak...saya akan selalu tolong awk...
Mungkin awk tidak begitu memahami keadaan disini...
Tapi saya berterima kasih kt awk...
sebab hakikatnye awk cuba bantu saya keluar dari masalah ni...
cuma saya yang menolaknya...
And thanks for always help me before....I really appreciate this friendship...
Dan saya sangat2 berterima kasih sebab sudi jadi kawan saya selama ini...

For all of u....I know that I'm not good to u all....maaf sebab menciptakan jurang diantara kita semua...
Maaf sebab tidak jadi seperti dulu dan tidak berhubung dengan kalian...
Mungkin ade sesuatu yang tidak perlu korang tahu...
Namun...I am really thankful to you all because willing to be my friends..
For me, U all are my friends forever....I really appreciate u all and this friendship...
Cuma cebisan doa dan harapan yang mampu diriku kirimkan buat masa ini...
Thank you....

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