Thursday, January 10, 2013

Handmade Book


Wah...entry yang baru lagi...looks like I am really have much free time....
Of coz...sebab kn masih penganggur...
well...sungguh membosankan sebenarnye...
So, this is what I done....

What is this?
This is my handmade notebook...
Cuma try je ni....sebab bosan sangat...
jadi ambik A4 paper cantum2 jadi buku....
The covers is My Birthday card that some juniors when I am 16 years old...form 4...
I really love the, I want to keep it for a long time..that is why I made it as my cover book...

Now, I use this book as a note about something really good to remember in my life...
And also lesson that everyone should know it...
So that, this book will always be my treasures book...

I also made some others design...tada....

So childish right? But don't you think it is cute....?
I also working on another books progress...and I will make it really beautiful...
hope as beautiful as others book...
For those who want to make this, it is easy...
and all of you can make it....
all the best to you all....
I will come with another art I done in others entry...
see you soon...

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