Friday, January 11, 2013

Think Positive


Once in my degree time....I have someone who always give me an advice...
I don't know...but I miss him and his advice...
I think it is about more than a years that he don't give me any advice...
and now, because of some conflict we have..
So, we don't contact each others...

Well...if U all review all my story...
I'm not good girl...
I always make mistake...
Don't realize who I am...
Really not good person....
But, I really try to be a good girl...

Let see about the advice...He said to me to always think positive..
Percaya dan redha dengan segala ketentuan Allah...

"dl sy slalu sy cam kurang je, mase kat skolah n matrik, then sy ckp kat diri sy, smpai bile aku nak mcmni?  then sy slalu think positive, sy redah je n tawakal sbb kite dah usaha yg selebihnye sy serah pada Allah, sbb die yang bagi kite berjaye, die juga bagi kite gagal,yang ptg kite dah usahakan…..camtu la….sy slalu fikir,  kalu kita dah sengsara atau susah, ade org lagi yang lagi susah, kalu kite lapar, ade org lg yang lapar sgt2 dpd kite….bykkan doa pd Allah…. kite redha je awk.. biar ape keputusan…..yg ptg kite bt ngan sungguh2 n tanggungjawab…selebihnye kt serah pd Allah….. jgn tension2 k"

This is what he said to me when I have problem once in my degree time...
But now, he's not here for advising that's I will only remember for his advice...
So, I share it with all of u...
Ilmu yang baik harus dikongsi kn....

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