Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jika Kau Rasa Getarnya

Janganlah hanya mengukir janji
Don’t only carve out promises
Sedangkan dikau masih mencari
If you are still searching (for that someone)
Adakah benar kata kata
Are the words true
Bukan ungkapan sementara
and not just temporary said
Kaulah pancaran yang daku rasa
You are the rays that I feel
Bagaikan obor yang menyinar
Like a shining torch
Jika terpadam tiba tiba
If it goes off all of sudden
Sunyilah insan alam gelita
Would be lonely for the world is in darkness
Jika kau selam hati ini
If you dive deeper into this heart
Pastinya engkau kan mengerti
Surely you will understand
Betapa sucinya cintaku
How pure my love is
Jangan diragu
Not to be doubted
Jika kau rasa getarnya
If you feel the trembling
Debaran kasih cinta yang meronta
the beating of the desperate love
Nilai kasihku padamu cukup berharga
the value of my love for you is precious enough
Verse A
Bukan simpati yang aku pinta
Not pity that I wished for
Kebenaranmu memutus kata
but the truth in your decisive words
Agar dapatku abadikan
So that I can enternalise
Untuk pedoman peniti cinta
for guidance of love
Jika kau selam hati ini
If you dive deeper into this heart
Pastinya engkau kan mengerti
Surely you will understand
Betapa sucinya cintaku
How pure my love is
Jangan diragu
Not to be doubted
Jika kau rasa getarnya
If you feel the trembling
Debaran kasih cinta yang meronta
beating of the desperate love
Nilai kasihku padamu cukup berharga
the value of my love for you is precious enough
Repeat A till end

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