Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sebuah pertemuan


Hai..apa khabar semua? selamat hari raya...wah....lama tak menulis apa-apa kat sini. Hurmm...Now, I'm  hearing to a song...Sebuah Pertemuan by of my favourite nasyid band...then, aku setiap pertemuan tu pasti ada perpisahan..samada berpisah sementara ataupun hilangnya kerana tiada lagi kewujudannya di dunia ini..

Huh..actually...I really need some friend...who really understad me and can help me out...there is too many things happen to myself..but could not talk and share it to others..even here...I could not share it here..but I just feel like kenapa semua yang aku buat seems like wrong....(maaf, english tidakbagus sangat, tapi nak cuba juga, correct me if i'm wrong)..actually, kalau tulis cmni pun, siapa yang nak betulkan aku? siapa sanggup, when my dearest family does not willing to, do you willing to help me? at least just hear to me, can you?

wah...i'm going to crazy..because i do have no one who I can talk and share my feeling...but, if you could not listen, will you pray for me? please???? hurmm...I'm totally go crazy now....bagusnya kalo dapat berjalan di tepian pantai...ambik udara segar...could I? even I like to do so, but I could not.....

Really...Aku harap suatu hari ada sebuah pertemuan yang akan buat aku sedar sesuatu yang tidak aku sedar hari ini....hopefully.........should continue playing games or watching korea's drama.......? 
I think I should sleep...

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